
General Terms and Conditions of Use

General terms and conditions of use of the websites, and

Valid from: December 2022

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the "GTCU") is to determine the rules of use and browsing on the websites "" (hereinafter the "Hotel Website"), "” (hereinafter the "Shop Website"), and on the website (hereinafter the "Gift Website", and together with the Hotel Website and the Shop Website, the "Websites"). They determine the obligations of all users of the Websites (the "User") and of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION, in its capacity as the publisher of the Websites.

The Websites are published by LOV HOTEL COLLECTION, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of €129,725,039, whose head office is located at 5 rue François 1er 75008 Paris, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 509 168 951 (hereinafter "LOV HOTEL COLLECTION").

Before using the Website for the first time, all Users of the Website must be familiar with the features of the Website and these GTC. Any use of a Website implies acceptance of the GTC in their entirety, without limitation. If a User does not wish to accept the GTC, he/she is requested not to use the Website and to discontinue browsing the Website immediately.

LOV HOTEL COLLECTION reserves the right to modify these GTC at any time and without prior notice. Accordingly, the User is advised to regularly refer to the latest version of the GTC available on the Websites.

I. Purpose of the Websites

The purpose of the Hotel Website is to present:

• Exceptional establishments, belonging to the LOV HOTEL COLLECTION group, located in France offering reservation services for rooms, suites, function rooms and other types of luxury accommodation;

• All reservation services for hotel rooms, suites, castles, function rooms or other types of luxury accommodation, and reservation services that are complementary to said accommodation services (such as reservation services, well-being and treatment services, etc.) that may be provided by the establishments or external service providers that are partners of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION; and

• Putting clients and/or Users in contact with the establishments of the LOV HOTEL COLLECTION Group, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION and/or external service providers that are partners of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION.

The purpose of the Shop Website is to present:

• The shop, selling certain products and items related to the services offered for booking;

• The online sale of products and items related to the services offered for booking; and

• Connecting clients and/or Users with LOV HOTEL COLLECTION.

The purpose of the Gift Website is to present:

• The products and gift cards offered and usable in the establishments of the LOV HOTEL COLLECTION group;

• The online sale of products and gift cards; and

• Connecting clients and/or Users with LOV HOTEL COLLECTION.

• The above list is not exhaustive and may be modified at any time by LOV HOTEL COLLECTION, without it being held liable.

II. Access and availability of websites

The Websites are accessible to all Users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or the occurrence of an event beyond the control of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION and except in the event of any breakdowns or maintenance work necessary for the proper functioning of the Websites.

Users are personally responsible for establishing the means to access the Websites. They are responsible for paying for telecommunications when accessing and using the Websites.

LOV HOTEL COLLECTION reserves the right, without prior notice or penalty, to temporarily or permanently close a Website or to suspend access to one or more of the functionalities of a Website described above in order to carry out updates or technical modifications. Maintenance work may be carried out on the Websites without prior notice to the User.

More generally, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION reserves the right to make any changes and improvements to the Websites that it deems necessary or useful to ensure that the Websites and the features offered function properly. LOV HOTEL COLLECTION is the sole decision-maker on these developments.

LOV HOTEL COLLECTION cannot be held responsible for any inability to access the Websites for any reason whatsoever.

Specifically, the User declares that he/she accepts the characteristics and limitations of the Internet and the operating systems of each of the Websites, and acknowledges that:

• Use of the Websites is at the user's own risk;

• Use of the Websites is dependent on the Internet network functioning properly; it is stipulated that LOV HOTEL COLLECTION may in no case be held responsible for any malfunction of the Internet network used by a User;

• Each Website is accessible on an "as is" and "as available" basis; and

• The protection of his/her own data is his/her responsibility, and he/she is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to save it and to protect it from any viruses that may be circulating on the Websites.

III. Obligations of the user

The User undertakes to access and use the Websites in accordance with the laws and regulations in force and in accordance with the provisions of these GTC. The User undertakes in particular to:

• Comply with all legal and regulatory obligations applicable to the use and navigation of the Websites;

• Not use any method of copying the content of the Websites, nor alter, reproduce, modify or create any works based on the content of the Websites, without the express prior written consent of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION;

• Not use, reproduce or cause to be reproduced, for commercial or sales purposes, the Websites or the services and products offered on the Websites by LOV HOTEL COLLECTION, its establishments, and/or its external service provider partners;

• Not tampering with the integrity and/or security of the Websites, including importing viruses or any other computer programmes intended to damage the Website(s);

• Not upload to the Websites, transmit or send, by any means whatsoever, through or via a Website, any content that is illegal, harmful, abusive, threatening or injurious to any person, or contrary to public order or defamatory; and

• In general, not use the Websites for any purpose other than those detailed in paragraph 1 above.

IV. Intellectual property

It is stated that LOV HOTEL COLLECTION is the sole owner of the "AIRELLES" brand and logo, which appear on the Websites.

The User acknowledges the exclusive rights of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION to the "Airelles" brand and logo, as shown on the Websites, and undertakes not to use them in any way and, more generally, not to infringe the intellectual property rights of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION.

LOV HOTEL COLLECTION holds or has the right to use all intellectual property rights relating to both the structure and content of each Website. The entirety of the Websites is protected by French legislation relating to intellectual property. All rights of reproduction and representation are thus granted to LOV HOTEL COLLECTION, and/or where applicable, to third party holders who have granted LOV HOTEL COLLECTION a right of use over the abovementioned intellectual property rights.

Accordingly, all texts, graphics, icons, photographs, plans, drawings, images, logos, videos, sounds, trademarks, databases, animated sound sequences and, more generally, all the components of each Website, as well as the source code of the Websites are the exclusive property of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION or of third parties who have authorised LOV HOTEL COLLECTION to use them, and they may not be represented, reproduced, exploited or extracted, in whole or in part, on any medium whatsoever, without the express prior written consent of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION.

The User does not acquire any intellectual property rights to the Websites, the content and/or the services and products offered, or any other rights other than those conferred by these GTCU, by browsing the Websites.

The User expressly agrees that the use of a Website shall in no way infringe the rights of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION, and in particular that such use shall not constitute an infringement or an unfair or parasitic attack on the information and content of the Websites, and the services and products offered on the Websites.

LOV HOTEL COLLECTION reserves the right to take legal action against any person who does not comply with this obligation.

V. Protection of personal data

In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION processes personal data necessary for the conduct of its business, in particular through the Websites.

In its capacity as data controller as defined by the applicable regulations, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION undertakes to process the personal data collected in accordance with the applicable regulations.

LOV HOTEL COLLECTION's policy on the protection of personal data is available on each Website, and on the following links: here

VI. Responsibility of LOV Hotel Collection

Each Website is available for browsing without any form of guarantee. LOV HOTEL COLLECTION may not be held liable in the event that a Website is unavailable and/or does not work properly.

In using a Website, the User accepts all negative consequences that may arise from the Website. In this respect, it is the responsibility of each User to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software stored on their computer equipment against any attack. LOV HOTEL COLLECTION may not be held liable for any damage of any kind to the data or computer equipment of Users.

In addition, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION shall not be held liable for the presence of a virus on a Website.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION's liability may only be called into question in the event of error, negligence or breach of its obligations, and shall be limited to direct, certain, real and proven damages. Consequently, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for indirect damages or damages resulting from the loss of data caused by the use or inability to use a Website.

LOV HOTEL COLLECTION may temporarily or permanently suspend access to the Websites and any related services and products, in particular in the event that LOV HOTEL COLLECTION ceases the business in question, transfers or closes an establishment or in the event of the company's legal or voluntary dissolution. In the event of the permanent closure of one or more of the Websites, these T&Cs will be adapted or nullified by law in the event of the closure of both Websites.

The information accessible on the Website is provided and available as is. Consequently, LOV HOTEL COLLECTION shall not be liable for the accuracy, nor any errors or omissions contained on the Websites. The photographs and descriptions of the products and services available on the Websites have no contractual value.

VII. Miscellaneous

The User acknowledges and accepts that LOV HOTEL COLLECTION may transfer the GTC and all rights and obligations therein to any third party without the User's prior written consent. The User accepts that such a transfer releases LOV HOTEL COLLECTION from its contractual obligations to the User going forward. The User may not transfer or assign the rights or obligations that he/she holds under these GTC without the express, written and prior permission of LOV HOTEL COLLECTION.

The French version of the GTC shall prevail over any translation in case of dispute, litigation, difficulty of interpretation or execution of the GTC, and more generally concerning the existing relationships between the parties.

If one or more of the provisions of the GTC are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other provisions of the GTC will retain all their power and scope.

VIII. Applicable Law

The present GTC are subject to French law. This applies to both substantive and procedural rules, notwithstanding the locations where the substantive or ancillary obligations are carried out.

After attempting to resolve the dispute with LOV HOTEL COLLECTION amicably, all disputes to which the General Terms and Conditions may give rise, regarding their validity, interpretation, execution, termination, consequences and follow-up, and which could not be resolved between LOV HOTEL COLLECTION and the User, shall be submitted to the appropriate courts under the conditions of common law.

The User is informed that he/she may, under any circumstances, resort to traditional mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution method in the event of a dispute.

After contacting the [Reservation] department and if no satisfactory response is received within [1] month, the customer may refer the matter to the Médiation Tourisme et Voyage, whose contact details are given below:

- Postal address: Médiation Tourisme et Voyage

- BP 80 303 75 823

- Paris Cedex 17

- Website :

IX. Legal notices



Simplified joint stock company with a capital of 129,725,039 euros

- Head office: 5 rue François 1er 75008 Paris

- RCS Paris 509 168 951

- VAT number:  FR44 509168951

Contact details:

- Responsible for the publication: Marketing Department


- 04 50 10 03 29


- Free Pro

- Head office: 3, Rue Paul brutus, CS 70676

- 13344 Marseille Cedex 15, France

General Terms & Conditions of Service


- Publisher : LOV Hotel Collection

- Development & Graphic design :

- Photographic credits : Eric Bergoend, Thibaut de Saint Chamas, Fabrice Rambert, Grégoire Gardette, Nicolas Lobbestael, Atelier Mai 98, Jacques Gavard, Adobe Stock, Courchevel Tourisme, Val d’Isère Tourisme, Andy Parant, Anne de Lafforest, Charlotte Studio Paris, Agence Christophe Tollemer, Mathis Decroux, Pierre Monetta & Atelier Mai 98, Thomas Garnier, Renée Kemps, Adrien Madelon, Marie Allain, November Studio, Via Tolila, Laura & Nicolas Herbert.